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About Me

Hey there! I'm Cara, the owner of Ninth Crux. I live in Texas, I'm in my 40's, married, and have 2 girls - ages 26 and 15. My day job is in administration management for two Mexican restaurants.

When I was a teenager I was obsessed with Astrology. One of my books had a section on Numerology and I was hooked from the moment I read it.

I've always loved math and numbers. So when I got to figure out my Life Path with a pen and paper and some math, I was beyond excited. Once I started to explore my Life Path, it just kept getting more interesting to me.

Image of Cara, owner of Ninth Crux

But as teenagers tend to do, I had other things on my mind and my interests changed. I would pick it back up here and there. I always kept an open mind and dabbled in Astrology, Numerology, Tarot, and other esoteric arts over the years. But I never had the time or desire to do really dig deeper until I hit my 40's.

I have more time on my hands and I love to learn new things. I've also been pretty bored with my career. I have a good job and love the people I work with, but it isn't challenging or even that enjoyable anymore.

Why Numerology?

That's what led me to start a Numerology website. I wanted to find something I loved doing and help people at the same time. I'm a 9 Life Path which means I like to help people on a global scale. People with a Life Path 9 are humanitarians. We're idealistic and want to fix the problems of the world. Super easy, right?! 🤣

Maybe a numerology website isn't much of a world-changing grand plan, but I love it! I feel like I am really helping people find their life's purpose through Numerology. That helps me make a better world for others. That's my life's purpose. And it's just the beginning.

What's Next?

Some people are skeptical about numerology and that's totally fine. Some of us find it to be a helpful tool for self-discovery and personal growth. It can offer a fresh way of understanding yourself and the world around you. I hope it helps you in the same way it's helped me.

Use the contact form to send me a message and I'll answer if I can. I usually can't answer specific questions, but I'm here if you need me. Enjoy the website, work on your chart, and find your place in this world. It's not always easy, but it's always worth it.

💕 and 🤗,
