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The World of Numerology:

Embrace the Hidden Meanings of Numbers

unlock your potential. create balance. find clarity.

Would you be surprised to know that the numbers in your life aren't random? You have an affinity for the numbers that you need at any given time in your life. I know, right? 🤗

Perhaps you have a favorite number or one that pops up regularly. It may seem superficial at first. But once you learn to recognize it, the pattern becomes clear. Numbers correspond to our preferences and our needs. They say a lot about who we are, influence how we feel, and offer us direction.

The beauty of Numerology is that it can guide you on your path, help you find purpose, and even show you how to change course. Get excited!

Daily Insights

Any number, no matter how big or small, multiplied by 9 always reduces back to 9. Here's a random example:

437 x 9 = 3,933

3 + 9 + 3 + 3 = 18

1 + 8 = 9

Try it. It's kinda fun.

What is Numerology?

Interested in the details? Love it!

The study of numbers and the rich insights they give into our lives has held our interest for thousands of years. Dating back to at least 500 BCE, the ancient civilizations of Babylonia, Egypt, and Rome all practiced forms of modern Numerology.

Numbers emit vibrations of energy which come together to make up all the different aspects of who you are. (We'll talk more on energy in a bit).

Numerology connects you with something bigger than yourself. It reveals the hidden link between the world you live in and the infinite universe, all with the numbers that turn up in your daily life.

There's nothing otherworldly about numbers, but they've always been magical. They're in the very depths of everything you see and do. They are in everything that is created and discovered. It only makes sense that numbers are a part of you.

Think of Numerology as a blueprint of yourself, a roadmap into every facet of who you are. Understanding the numbers that make up your life can help you improve it, whether that's with your career or in your relationships.

It helps you have a better awareness of who you are - both your strengths and weaknesses. Your numbers can show you what makes you tick and help you find your purpose. What do you want to accomplish? Why are you here? Numerology can help you with all of that and more if you let it. Use it as the tool it is to realize your full potential and find a life of balance and intention.

Vibrational Energy

In Numerology every number has its own vibe. Think of it like having an outgoing ‘high energy’ friend and a ‘calm energy’ introverted friend. It’s the same with numbers. Each one has its own little energy field, its own unique characteristics.

Unraveling these energies lets you understand the way numbers influence your life. Want to learn more about yourself on a deeper level? How about navigating challenges that may be in your future? Whatever you're searching for, numerology can be the secret to your success.

Following Your Numerology Path

There are a lot of numbers that make up a numerology chart.

Let's get down to the nitty gritty and start with the most important ones.

One number to rule them all...your Life Path is the single most influential number in Numerology. The Life Path is one of your core numbers and deserves the spotlight due to its importance in your life.

Birthday Number

Now let's introduce you to your birth day number. This one's easy - it's the day you were born! Find out why it's important in your numerology profile and what it means for you.

Destiny Number

The Destiny or Expression number is the most important of the three name numbers that make up the core of your chart. Find out what your name says about you!

Personality Number

Another of the name numbers, your Personality is what you are willing to show to the world and how, in turn, the world sees you.

Your Soul Urge

Soul Urge, aka Heart's Desire, is the fifth and final of your core numerology numbers. This is the number that reveals what you really want, what makes you happy, and what's behind your life choices.

Numbers 1 - 9

Check out the general meanings of the 9 single digit numbers used in Numerology. Each meaning does vary some depending on the position of it in your chart, but it's a nice place to start.